Custom transformers for the energy sector: 10 steps to success

Custom transformers for the energy sector: 10 steps to success
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Building custom transformers is one of our core activities. So how does that work exactly? Using the example of a project completed for a client in the energy sector, we'll tell you all about our procedure, in ten easy steps.

What is crucial is that the transformer transformer meets the strict safety standards as well as the client's technical requirements, and nowhere more so than in the energy sector.

Like to see a handy summary of the 10 steps?

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Step 1: Draw up specifications

The client draws up technical specifications, including a description of the transformer project, the materials to be used and the requirements the transformer must fulfil. EREA will talk things over with you and advise on refinements to the technical details.

Step 2: 3D sketch design

We then send the client a 3D sketch, referring back to the specifications.

Step 3: Presentation at the client's location

EREA will present the sketch design showing the specific transformer solution at the client's location. 

Step 4: Internal discussions by the client

The client will discuss the outline transformer solution and formulate feedback for EREA. The order will then be placed.

Steps 1 to 4 for the custom transformer in our energy sector example took just 6 weeks. 

Step 5: Prototype

The order for the transformers is the starting gun for production. EREA begin by making a prototype which is presented to the client for validation of the dimensions and the key technical features. 

Step 6: Internal evaluation by the client

The client holds internal discussions about the prototype and provides feedback and approval.

Step 7: Production of the transformer

Production of the custom transformers at EREA's factory.

In the present case EREA completed the development of the transformer within a four-week period.

Step 8: Delivery to the client

EREA deliver the transformers to the client. 

Step 9: Feedback

Whether on the client's initiative or on request, EREA are provided with the client's feedback on its initial practical experience.

Step 10: Repeat orders

The present example involved the production of a range of different transformers; the whole fits into the mobile transformer plug-and-play family.

Meanwhile, with a number of follow-up orders. 

Energy-efficient transformers

EREA transformers are characterised by their sustainability and energy efficiency, properties that really come into their own in the energy sector.  

Does your project involve custom transformers?

The EREA team will be more than happy to find the right transformer solution for you. You can rest assured, customization is our specialty.

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