Website responds to growing demand for ease of use and customer-friendliness

Website responds to growing demand for ease of use and customer-friendliness
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At EREA Energy Engineering we attach great importance to clarity of information. So we do whatever we can to keep our clients informed in the easiest and most transparent manner possible. Our website is one of our essential tools here.

Find the product you need, fast

One thing that us sure to catch your eye when visiting the website is the webshop. All our products are clearly set out, making it easy for you to quickly identify and order the right product.

Placing an order couldn't be easier

Create an account

Technical details are always available via the QR code.

And we also want to make life easy for you after the order is placed. EREA products carry a QR code. Simply scan the code with your smartphone or tablet and the technical specifications and the wiring diagram for that device will instantly appear on your screen.

Or surf to the document summary page for very detailed product information. Consult our handy speedy selection cards and our comprehensive product catalogue, and download as desired.

Find a dealer, fast

Looking for a dealer? Our dealer locator will take you straight to your nearest EREA dealer. The search results won't only provide contact details for the dealers, there is also a handy location map.

Stay tuned!

As well as all these handy tools the news summary on our website is an important source of information. Like to keep in touch with what's moving and shaking? Simply subscribe to our newsletter and/or follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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