Save with an energy-efficient transformer

Save with an energy-efficient transformer
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Reduce energy consumption by 20%. That's one of the objectives of the EU's 20-20-20 plan. and that will inevitably demand efforts on the part of industry to improve the energy efficiency of products.

EREA can help you with this. How? With our blue e³ transformers.

An energy-efficient transformer: what is it?

The industrial transformers in our blue e³ series are energy-efficient transformers. They result in lower energy losses. They have been a success story ever since we introduced them.

Find out more about our energy-efficient transformers .

The benefits for you

  • Reduced operating costs due to lower energy losses.
  • Less voltage drop under full load due to lower internal resistance.
  • Resistant to high ambient temperatures.
  • Reduced heating of the environment due to lower losses.
  • Can be used as a safety isolating transformer due to enhanced isolation.

In short, lower energy bills. You can also expect to earn back the initial investment.

Save with an energy-efficient transformer .

Questions about our blue e³ transformers.

Send us your questions . We'll be happy to assist.

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