It's great to see you! We have a New Year's Message for you at the start of this new year.
We look forward to a 2024 with plenty of energy,
solutions to challenging problems, and happy times.
But first we'd like to draw your attention to some interesting updates
which will make your collaboration with EREA even smoother. You could call it an upgrade.
As you've probably heard,
Schneider transformers have reached the ʽend-of-life’ stage.
But no worries: our conversion card will make it easy for you to find at least 2 EREA alternatives from the Modicon range.
It's as easy as that.
Need a bigger transformer?
Be sure to check out our TCO calculator.
Compare, replace, you'll be amazed,
this tool will show you immediately how much you can save with an energy-efficient transformer. That's got to count for something!
Made any New Year's Resolutions?
How about creating a user account with EREA?
There are significant benefits for you: so much more to see on our website,
like net prices and comprehensive price lists. Handy information for you, whenever you need it.
As specialists in custom transformers, we are ready, willing and able to engage with former customers of Gestufir, a business we have recently taken over.
So you can rest easy.
Continuous attention to quality, safety and energy efficiency:
those have always been our values and always will be.
We are very keen to be accessible to you.
To give you any additional information you need, to advise and to guide you towards the right choice of transformer.
Don't hesitate to contact us.
We wish you a high-energy New Year!
Successful, happy and healthy.
Do you have any other specific needs?
Any topics or any information you'd like us to cover in our newsletters?
It's easy to let us know.
Your satisfaction, that's what it's all about for us.
A very Happy New Year.
The EREA team
Wijnegem, January 2024
A New Year's Message with intriguing updates for 2024

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