Compare transformers and save money!

Electricity prices remain high and there is still no immediate prospect of stability in the energy market. Economical use of electricity and other forms of energy is, therefore, more crucial than ever. One way to achieve this is through the use of equipment with low energy losses: like the exceptionally energy-efficient EREA transformers in our Blue e3 range. These models reduce zero no-load losses and copper losses to an absolute minimum.

Low Total Cost of Ownership

But doesn't that make them more expensive? It is true that the initial purchase cost is a little higher. However the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is many times lower than with a cheaper model. In other words you will quickly recoup the additional cost.

Compare, replace, save!

How quickly? You can work that out using our calculator. This allows you to compare an energy-efficient transformer from EREA's blue e3 Range with a transformer from a different manufacturer, or an older and less energy-efficient EREA transformer, so you can quickly and easily see how quickly you can earn back the additional cost of purchase.

Put the calculator to work and calculate your savings!

How does the TCO calculator work?

  •   - Select transformer type (EREA energy-efficient, EREA standard or own input) in both columns
  •   - When choosing an EREA transformer from the list, the losses are filled in automatically.
  •   - The parameters used to make the comparison are based on an average situation. You can adjust these to your specific application.

Calculate your benefit

Transformator 1 Transformator 2
Transfo Type

Power VA
No-load losses (P0) W
Copper losses (Pcu) W
Efficiency %
Average load %
Power at which the comparison is made VA
Hours connector to the grid per day Hours
Hours of operation per day Hours
Current energy cost €/kWh


Percentage van het vermogen van de transfo dat gebruikt wordt %
Nullast energie verliezen = P Fe * uren aan kWh
Joule energie verliezen bij belasting = P Cu * (%belast)² * uren belast kWh
Totale verliezen kWh
Difference in energy consumption kWh per year
Annual profit Euro per year

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