EREA supplied Infrabel with isolating transformers as part of the European Train Control System (ETCS). As always EREA were able to guarantee the speedy delivery of both standard products and transformers made to the client's specifications. It's delivery performance like this that has made EREA the ideal partner for transformer solutions in Europe and beyond.
ETCS is a European automatic railway safety system, which amongst other features reduces the risk of a train passing through a signal on red. It also ensures that excessive speeds, a significant cause of numerous train accidents, are virtually impossible. The system requires electricity to be carried over very long distances. On reaching the end point the voltage is reduced again by means of transformers. EREA are well-known for speedy deliveries and, here again, the agreed delivery deadlines were met without problems.
The Amazon of the transformer world
This is all made possible by EREA's adoption of two product streams. On the one hand EREA work with a huge range of standard products. This allows extremely rapid deliveries. "Think of us as the Amazon of the transformer world", says Herman Nollet, Director of EREA. "Our stocks are continuously maintained, which allows us to despatch these products the instant an order comes in".
Products to client’s specifications
But EREA take this a step further. Products can also be made to client’s specifications. If a client urgently needs a product which doesn't feature in the standard range, EREA's system means it can be produced with an extremely short lead time. "Generally speaking a lead time of two weeks is no problem. If we already have the components in house we can often manage a delivery deadline of as little as one week."
Flexible and reliable delivery
"This outstanding level of delivery performance is certainly one of our most important USPs", says Herman Nollet. "And then of course our products are of the very highest quality, the transformers are exceptionally energy-efficient and the prices are very competitive. Another area where we are quite unique is our flexibility in response to clients' requirements. We are able to switch over rapidly to a new delivery schedule if the client requires it. That is something our competitors can rarely manage".
Commitment and expertise
Of course, a customer-focused approach like this demands total commitment. "We attach great importance to effective collaboration, and we feel closely involved with our clients' projects. We like to work actively with customers as they think through the solutions and to go out on site to explore the possibilities".
It's not only EREA's clients who benefit from their expertise, but also the client's own customers. The energy efficiency of EREA transformers means substantial savings for the end-user and an exceptionally low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
A happy end-user means our client is happy, and that makes us happy too.