It has to be said: the VTDV (Vereniging voor Technische Diensthoofden in de Verzorgingsinstellingen or Association of Technical Heads of Department in Healthcare Institutions) trade fair in Leuven, which was once again perfect in terms of its organisation, was indeed a successful, interesting and pleasant experience. It included a presentation on the partnership between EREA Energy Engineering, for medical transformers, and BENDER Benelux, for hospital technology. Karine Moykens, Head of the Cabinet of the Minister for Welfare, Public Health and Family Jo Vandeurzen, showed great interest in this ‘German-Belgian’ collaboration which was announced by Mr Roger Albertijn, chairman of VTDV. The life-size set-up with touch screen provided a real-life simulation of numerous critical situations and parameters in operating theatres. Did you perhaps miss this event and would you like to receive an explanation of, for example, our solution for a safe power supply and comfort functions in operating theatres? Then don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to invite you and your colleagues to an information session.
Operating rooms require a safe solution as far as power distribution and monitoring is concerned. At the VTDV trade fair, an entire electrical power set-up was used to provide a complete overview of an operating room power supply. The set-up not only included the medical safety transformers (EREA Energy Engineering), but also the insulation monitoring modules (BENDER Benelux), as well as an alarm display based on a signalling panel and/or touch screen and the medical power sockets (Niko). All these items were made available to explain the importance of these different building blocks. After all, the main objective is to ensure patient safety and simultaneously also the continuous operation of the power supply.