That's because EREA have once again been awarded their ISO 9001 certificate. And we passed with flying colours. This certification officially confirms that you can rely on consistent, high-quality products and services whenever you work with EREA. ISO 9001 is the worldwide standard for Quality Management. The 3-yearly renewal of our certificate came up this year.
Huge thanks
are due to all our staff and, in particular, our quality partner An Delen from Ad-apt, who helped us prepare our business for this important audit. The ISO auditors SGS reported favourably on every department of the firm. We are proud of their positive findings. So we'd like to share them with you:
- A clear strategy. People know what they are talking about.
- A quality system that is supported throughout the entire organisation.
- Risks are well controlled.
- Technical expertise.
- The production processes are well supported.
- Outstanding motivation, transparency and friendliness on the part of all employees.
- Good housekeeping in the workplace: tidy, systematic.
- Thorough customer surveys.
Quality as an ongoing process
"Quality is consistently a top priority for every area of our organisation", said Directors Jeroen Goetschalckx and Herman Nollet in response to the report. "And our focus is on how to achieve continuous improvement. As ambassadors for our quality system, we have committed ourselves to disseminating this philosophy among all our people in all departments of the business. That is the basis for our guarantee of quality for all our customers. The result: satisfied customers."