Not only do industrial transformers convert energy, they also consume energy. With this simple fact in mind, EREA Energy Engineering introduced its energy-efficient ‘blue e³’ products. In 2011, general hospital Sint-Blasius in Dendermonde already installed 46 ‘blue e³’ medical transformers – declared the ‘best product available in its range’ from a technical and economic point of view by consultancy agency Grontmij and installation company Van De Maele Multi-Techniek. University hospital Gasthuisberg and installation company SPIE will soon be installing ‘blue e³’ medical transformers as well.
Promoting energy efficiency is not just about developing a decent product, it is also about manufacturing that product efficiently. An energy scan performed by Flemish government agency ‘Enterprise Flanders’ (Agentschap Ondernemen) and an audit of electricity, heating and compressed air conducted by an expert company, were the basis for the introduction of energy-efficient measures in our manufacturing plant in Wijnegem.