You know EREA Industrie as a leader in the production of industrial transformers. The current management team takes over the activities of the company and will continue operating as EREA Energy Engineering.
Until recently, the Belgium-based Niko Group had been a solid and dependable partner. Following a repositioning of the industrial vision, that activity no longer fits into their strategy.
For that reason, the current management team decided to continue with its vision on industrial transformers and an even more client-oriented approach as an independent company.
On January 1st 2014, EREA Industrie is being taken over by the current management team and from now on will operate independently as EREA Energy Engineering.
This takeover guarantees the continuation of the company's activities. After all it concerns a Management Buy-Out in which the current management, with its expertise and knowledge of our markets, customers and suppliers are taking over the company's operations.